1. Jessamyn Stanley (@mynameisjessamyn) – yoga instructor and author, promotes body positivity and self-love in yoga practice and beyond.
2. Megan Jayne Crabbe (@bodyposipanda) – writer and body positivity advocate, promotes self-love and body acceptance in all body sizes through her own journey.
3. Chrissy King (@iamchrissyking) – certified personal trainer and body positivity activist, advocates for self-love and acceptance in fitness and beyond.
4. Danika Brysha (@danikabrysha) – self-love and body positive advocate, founder of Model Meals, promoting wellness without diet culture.
5. Kelsey Miller (@mskelseymiller) – anti-diet culture activist and author, promoting self-love and intuitive eating in the fitness industry.
6. Katie Willcox (@katiehwillcox) – author, entrepreneur, and founder of Healthy is the New Skinny, promoting self-love and body positivity for all body sizes.
7. Massy Arias (@massy.arias) – certified personal trainer and founder of Tru Supplements, promoting self-love and mental wellbeing alongside physical fitness.
8. Dianne Bondy (@diannebondyyoga) – yoga instructor and author, promoting body acceptance and inclusivity in the yoga industry.
9. Tracy Campoli (@tracycampoli) – fitness coach and body positive advocate, advocating for self-love and body acceptance in fitness without diet culture.
10. Sarah Nicole Landry (@thebirdspapaya) – author and body positive activist, promoting self-love and body acceptance through her own personal journey and story.